
The Indian Wolf

The Indian Wolf

From Turkey and Iran to India, this highly skilled hunting predator is one of people most common fears as over time this animal has been known to stalk not just animal but even human as prey, however the most likely cause of a wolf attacking people now would be due to rabies. This just shows how close we are to nature if they consider humans as food source. Many researchers have considered this animal to be one of the smartest hunting animals in the animal kingdom. The wolf mostly hunts in forests, grasslands and mountains.

The Indian wold is one of Asia’s most  feared canines, it is a supreme killing machine. They have piercing canines that are able to help them crush bones, they have an extremely powerful jaw that like a steel grip once they are latched on. The Indian wolf is built for speed and endurance, they can hunt up to 80kms in a day.

When these wolves are first born they are not born with the perfect sight they are known for, they are actually born blind. Obviously these animals are pack hunters so they run in groups to hunt and kill prey. A very long time ago in Asia these wolves learn that children were the easier to grab and kill for food. This became so bad thousand of children died as they would come into villages taking the children as a food source.


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