Tag: birds


Animals, Carnivore, Reptiles add comment

Nile Crocodile

Bite force: 5,000psi Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa The Nile crocodile is a reptile and is a Carnivore. Its average lifespan in the wild is 45 years, with the average size of 16ft and weighs about 500 lbs. Its Scientific name is Crocodylus niloticus. This crocodile run-in with humans happen quite often due to its close habitats…

Honey Badger
Animals, Mammals, Omnivore 13 comments

Honey Badger

Where can you find a Honey Badger? The Honey Badger is a mammal commonly found in Africa, Southwest Asia and India. This animal is known for being fearless and in the Guinness book of world records has been named the most fearless animal in the animal kingdom. This animal has strength, intelligence, ferocity and a…

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