Animals, Fish & Sea Life

Scorpion Fish


This is a fish considered as one of the most dangerous fish among all venomous fish. It has 17 spines with all connect to a venom gland. This fish is located all around Latin America and Mexico coast. 

Most encounters with this fish is by accident but it’s on the increase, It venomous spines inject a large amount of venom each the venom is extremely harmful because it moves though the body at incredible speed, it moves to the most important areas of the body such as the lungs and heart however it is very hard to see this fish as it has excellent camouflage. Many people don’t know what’s hit them when they’ve been attacked by the scorpion fish that’s why there are not many attacks on record. 

It is a very motionless fish, it like to sit and wait for it meal and being so well camouflage it doesn’t take long for its meal to swim by. This fish can also be eaten, but just like puffer fish it is very carefully prepared. 

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