Recently, Scientist have discovered the longest living shark to ever swim in the sea! This shark is estimated to live for hundreds of years and can be described as an ancient shark. This shark is known as the Greenland shark and it typically swims in the north Atlantic Ocean and its known to be the longest living vertebrate in the world! This isn’t no ordinary shark, marine biologist Julius Nilsson and his team may have found the oldest shark in the world, the shark is predicted to be around 512 years old! This Species of shark is normally a bizarre looking creature, not the best-looking type of shark! Spends most of its time near the bottom of the sea and just swims around. This shark can also get up to 15-18-foot-long, so these things can be massive! Not a lot is known about these creatures because scientists are still trying to figure out the average life expectancy for this shark so they can compare them to humans!