
Animals, Carnivore, Reptiles add comment

Nile Crocodile

Bite force: 5,000psi Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa The Nile crocodile is a reptile and is a Carnivore. Its average lifespan in the wild is 45 years, with the average size of 16ft and weighs about 500 lbs. Its Scientific name is Crocodylus niloticus. This crocodile run-in with humans happen quite often due to its close habitats…

Snow Leopard
Animals, Carnivore, Mammals add comment

Snow Leopard

The Snow Leopard is a mysterious wild cat known to patrol the vast wilderness of the mighty Himalayas. It is known for being one of the rarest big cats to see in the wild.  Because of the Snow Leopard’s ability to stay hidden, locally, it is known as the ‘ghost of the mountains’. This cat…

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