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Woman Finds Strange Creatures Moving In Her Kitchen

Woman Finds Strange Creatures Moving In Her Kitchen
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A recent video that shows a group of mysterious “lifeforms” has gone viral. 

A man has uploaded a video of his mother holding these wiggling intruders. This video broke the internet for a good few days as everyone was baffled and had no idea what they were. He wrote: “My mother found these on the kitchen floor this morning. One is still alive. Anyone know what they are? Nikki is horrified and will have nightmares for weeks!”

They suggest that something (possibly a cat) had just recently eaten the body of the moth, which may explain why a few of the legs were still twitching (this is the most widely accepted theory in the community at the moment).
Detached moth legs is the leading explanation at the moment. Sarah Tassell, collection manager of the New Zealand Arthropod Collection at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, told Stuff she also believes them to be moth legs: “If you look at the photos you can see that what you are looking are jointed legs. They are hairy and have some distinctive spines.”

Moth legs or not, its still pretty freaky.

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