Headlines, Health, UK News

Vue Cinemas Reopening Mid-July!

Vue Cinemas Reopening Mid-July!
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Vue Cinemas is one of the most popular movie businesses in the UK, one of the best movie chains in the UK and will always be the place some people go to when lockdown is over, however recently, the chief executive Tim Richards has said he is hoping to reopen the Cinemas on the 17th July. “We can control how many people come into our cinemas,” he said. This could be great for everyone if the cinemas reopens but there won’t be many movies to show for it since lockdown has stopped movies from being shot.

“We are seeing our markets in Europe opening before ours, We are trying to work with the government to demonstrate we are not like sporting fixtures and pop concerts. We can control how many people come into our cinemas at any one time – we have the ability to control the exit and entrance.”

Editorial credit: Tony Baggett / Shutterstock.com

One of the biggest issues will be if they reopen too early, will Covid-19 just get more people since a cinema is a small confined space?  This is huge and could be terrible if they don’t follow the guidelines provided from the government. This could be terrible but could also works perfectly fine.

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