Middle East

US Quick To Point Finger At Iran

US Quick To Point Finger At Iran
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The US administration has wasted no time in ratcheting up the tension in the Middle East, by effectively blaming Iran for the sabotage attacks on four tankers off the UAE coast earlier this week. At this stage, no evidence has emerged to show that Iran was involved and the affected countries are yet to assign blame to any party. The only good news in this is that there has been no oil spillage, and no casualties.

Image: StockStudio/Shutterstock

Iran has publically condemned the attacks called for an independent investigation, however, the timing is rather coincidental and it is very possible that organisations sympathetic or sponsored by Iran are behind it, however, it is not helpful pointing the finger without evidence and this is not going to get the Iranians back to the negotiating table.

Not Surprisingly Donald Trump has voiced his opinion in a most public way:


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