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The Blue Whale Challenge is Back!

The Blue Whale Challenge is Back!
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For a lot of people, they won’t know what this deadly game is. Parents and carers need to be careful about this game from now on! One of the most deadly games to ever happen in the world has made a comeback to the world and it is known as the blue whale challenge. Schools have issued a warning to parents about this game that has made a comeback and will be until they know that the game has vanished once again.

The purpose behind this game is to get someone to complete a lot of challenges that are sent to them by someone else. This someone will have a profile picture of a real-life version of Mickey Mouse and will message teenagers stuff to do, whether it harmless or not. The aim is to complete all 50 tasks that are sent to the victim each day. This mainly targets kids and teenagers on Social Media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok! This game was originated by a Russian man and has taken the life off of many kids back in the day. Parents need to be aware of this game and what this game could do for there kids!

Back in 2016, this game started and this game ruined a lot of kids’ lives. Making them cut a whale on there arms and legs, making them get up at 4 am and climb something, whether that be a mountain or a rooftop and the saddest part of it all, making them commit suicide! If the kid doesn’t do a task, the person behind it will tell them something that will make them do it more. This has taken the lives of so many teenagers since they didn’t know what to do! Make sure everyone knows about this returning to the world! Some of the challenges could be “Stand on the ledge of a tower block.”, “Cut a whale into your arm.”, and as time goes on… they will tell them to kill themselves. There are a number of YouTube videos on this topic.

The sad story of Rina!

Rina was a teenage girl that had nothing to worry about. The blue whale challenge made her do something her family would of hoped never happened to anyone else. On the 22nd of November 2015, Rina posted a selfie of her standing outside, with a black scarf on around her mouth and nose, sticking the middle finger up with what appeared to be blood on there, maybe dry blood. The caption on that photo read… “Nya Bye”. The very next day… she took her own life. It was not sure at the time to why she did this but once they read the messages it was clear what was happening.

If you find your children on an app called VKontakte, make sure they don’t do the challenges!

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