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Police Hit After Breaking Up Illegal Party

Police Hit After Breaking Up Illegal Party
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Police were hit with projectiles after breaking up and illegal party in Manchester.

Many snapchats of the party were taken.


The police arrived in Gorton with the intention of breaking up an illegal party, but were met by angry party goers who started to throw objects at them.

The Manchester Evening News reported that the police decided to stop others joining the party, as oppose to shutting it down completely.

Police are now reviewing hundreds of snapchats of the people in a gazebo, in an attempt to get the bottom of who and why.

Deputy Chief Constable Ian Pilling said: “I can’t condemn this strongly enough.

“There is a role here for police enforcement but that is secondary to the role of the community in not having these gatherings.

“The fact that people then have the bravado to then post videos of them on Snapchat is nothing short of appalling.

“We will be reviewing the footage.”

The woman who is believed to have organised the event has been given a £100 fixed fine, and has been banned from allowing others to enter her household.

Superintendent Helen Caldbeck added: “This illegal house party was a blatant breach of legislation and meant that needed resources were pulled from the force.

“Even worse was the fact on attendance, our officers were met with such hostility, with missiles thrown at them.

“We want to be clear that the issuing of an FPN, as well as imposing an anti-social behaviour closure notice, is just the first step in our action and we are working unreservedly to ensure that all possible lines of enquiry are followed up.

“We have officers reviewing CCTV and other evidence with a view to identifying others responsible.

“The people of Greater Manchester deserve better and quite frankly they’re being let down by the selfish few who are shamelessly breaching the very guidance and legislation that is there to protect us.”

She urges people to contact her force on 111 if they have any information about the incident.

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