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Para-glider Catches Hands From Kangaroo

Para-glider Catches Hands From Kangaroo
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 A crazy new video has been circulating the internet recently, showing a man getting boxed by a 2m tall 200 pound kangaroo.

Recording his landing with a helmet cam, Bishop says the landing pad was the last cleared valley where he could safely land. “I was concentrating on the landing and didn’t notice the kangaroo until after I landed,” he wrote in a description accompanying the YouTube video. “As it ran towards me I thought it was being friendly so I said ‘What’s up, Skip?’ It then attacked me twice before hopping away.” He then mentioned how he had to walk several kilometres to get phone signal and contact his friend.

This could have gone a lot worse for Bishop, as they are very powerful animals, who’s strength is often very underestimated. Australians have been considering Kangaroos as pests in recent years rather than cute and cuddly icons of their country. They damage can damage crops and other things, and are extremely overpopulated.


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