A mother, stepdad, and teenager has been arested and given a life sentence after murdering a five-year-old boy by the name of Logan Mwangi. Police believe that they murdered the young boy and threw his body in the river!
John Cole, 40 years old, will be given a minimum sentence of 29 years in prison, while the mother of the kid, Angharad Williamson, 31 years old, will serve at least 28 years in prison!
The young boy, aged 14, will serve at least 15 years in prison. After three were convicted of murdering the five-year-old!
The body of the five-year-old was found in the River Ogmore, near their home of his in Sarn, Bridgend County!
The attack has been deemed as a defenseless act upon a schoolboy. As Mrs. Justice Jefford said, it was “nothing short of horrifying”.
all responsible for Logan’s death and all the anguish that has flowed from it. All responsible for Logan’s death and all the anguish that has flowed from it” Mrs. Justice Jefford continued to say!
Police officers found Logan partially submerged in the river in Pandy Park. it was believed that he was wearing his dinosaur pajama bottoms and a Spider-Man top.
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