Headlines, Health

Does Smokers Die More Often to Covid-19 than None Smokers?

Does Smokers Die More Often to Covid-19 than None Smokers?
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Covid-19 has been discovered for some time now, the hospitals around the world are discovering new stuff everyday and these are the few things we have found out so far… The virus attacks the lungs more than any other virus, for many people the virus won’t affect them as much as others, some people may have an average cold and flu symptoms as others may have a sore throat and some head pains, and the virus is said to not affect someone for longer than 14 days, however, there has been more research into the subject since this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Before the second spike occurs in other countries such as the UK!

It is said that people that smoke more than 5 a day, could die from Covid-19 more than others can that don’t smoke. This is due to the most recent research that when smoking, it can cause a massive issue with the person’s lungs for a few weeks before they decide to quit smoking. Meaning when Covid-19 attacks them, the lungs won’t be able to recover as others should be able to and therefore Smokers could be in more danger right now. After this, there has been a number of people quitting due to this new research that has been discovered by the scientist. This is great for the world that no one is wanting to smoke any more. Health is more important than that!

“Over a million smokers may have succeeded in stopping smoking since Covid-19 hit Britain, but millions more have carried on smoking”.

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