UK News

Boris Johnson Under Pressure To Explain Domestic Row

Boris Johnson Under Pressure To Explain Domestic Row
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Several Tory MPs have come out and asked for Boris Johnson to give an account of the altercation which took place over the weekend. His sole challenger for the Tory leadership Jeremy Hunt (surprise surprise) has raised this stating he  “should answer questions on everything”, while Cabinet minister Liam Fox gave a more balanced approach saying it was better to explain what happened than allow it to become a “distraction”.

Boris Johnson

Image: Alexandros Michailidis /

Mr Johnson also no surprise given his reticence to answer any questions on anything with has refused to comment probably quite rightly thinking his private life is his own affair. However, if he plans to lead the country he must accept that he will be under the spotlight and his track record both personal and political is patchy, to say the least.  The next few days will be interesting and he may look back at this weekend as being the one where he blew his chance at leadership.

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