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Scotty ✅

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Another Lockdown on the Cards?
UK News, Worldwide News no comments

Another Lockdown on the Cards?

This year has been the worst year in history. Coronavirus has stopped many businesses from gaining what they wanted this year and has caused a lot of people to stress and have a lot of issues with lockdown happening. In the UK, coronavirus seemed to of went down in cases and went for a little…

Coronavirus Testing Upgraded?
UK News, Worldwide News no comments

Coronavirus Testing Upgraded?

Coronavirus is currently known as a worldwide pandemic and has been for the past 6 to 7 months with the UK going into lockdown as well as other countries around the world. The massive reason why this virus was so hard to contain and to understand is due to the fact that this is virus…

UK Coronavirus Cases Rising!
UK News, Worldwide News no comments

UK Coronavirus Cases Rising!

Covid-19 is the deadliest disease that has come to us in this day and age, no one expected a virus that had symptoms like the common cold to be as deadly as it currently is. Causing a lot of places around the world to go into lockdown. As some places have had their peak and…

Over 23 Million Cases Worldwide!
Worldwide News no comments

Over 23 Million Cases Worldwide!

Coronavirus is one of the most infectious, deadliest and most dangerous virus to hit the world in the current years, the only other virus that could of topped it was Ebola but that was sorted within months! The virus has been effecting nearly the entire world and nearly causing everywhere to stay shut until the…

Why Coronavirus Has Had a Second Spike!
UK News, Worldwide News no comments

Why Coronavirus Has Had a Second Spike!

A second spike was always on the cards, this was told by every healthcare professional and experts of Coronavirus but no one really listened to them as a second spike seemed impossible, however, Spain and France are currently seeing this happen right now. The cases have been increasing none stop recently after Spain has stopped…

Another Country on the Quarantine List?
Headlines, Health, UK News no comments

Another Country on the Quarantine List?

Coronavirus has had another spike occurred in a lot of places even in the UK after the lockdown had ended, more and more people were getting the virus, and more places are experiencing another spike happen like China’s second spike. No matter where you are in the world, the coronavirus could spike back up unless…

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