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Are Energy Drinks That Bad For You?

Are Energy Drinks That Bad For You?
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Energy drinks have been given a bad name by mainstream media – there’s no doubt about that. But how bad for you actually are they? 

Red Bull is a very well known energy drink brand.

Energy drinks, by the World Health Organisation, are defined as a non alcoholic enhancement drink that contains caffeine, vitamins and taurine. They also often contain other ingredients.

Regulations in the UK have been in place for a while now, with under 16s not able to buy energy drinks, with such brands including monster, red bull, and emerge.

According to the NHS, potential risks associated with energy drink consumption include:

  • caffeine overdose (which can lead to a number of symptoms, including palpitations, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions and, in some cases, even death)
  • type 2 diabetes – as high consumption of caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity
  • late miscarriages, low birthweight and stillbirths in pregnant women
  • neurological and cardiovascular system effects in children and adolescents
  • sensation-seeking behaviour
  • use and dependence on other harmful substances
  • poor dental health
  • somewhat ironically, given their association with sportiness, obesity

Everyones caffeine tolerance is different, which makes it hard to tell when too much is too much – before it’s too late. The average person shouldn’t exceed 400mg a day of caffeine, and 2 energy drinks can easily make you hit this number. On top of that, they often contain ridiculous amounts of sugar, which not only damages your body but your teeth as well – not to mention the fact the drinks are carbonated. Energy drinks are very bad for your teeth.

Ingredients such as guarana, a very common additive in drinks, is poorly studied, and long term effects of consuming this regularly is unknown. This goes for other ingredients too, not just guarana.

The excessive amounts of vitamins in them can make you consume potentially dangerous amounts per day, as you’ll likely take them in as part of your normal diet too. One example, moose juice, has an astonishing amount of b vitamins in them. One particular B vitamin has numbers exceeding 20000% of your daily intake, which will negatively effect you in the short and long term.

It all just comes down to moderation – energy drinks are often consumed in large amounts, with scary amounts of teens and children drinking 2+ a day, which is probably what makes them so dangerous. That amount of sugar, caffeine, and vitamins, is bound to take a toll on anyone’s health.

The main lesson to be learned from energy drinks is that you need to carefully watch what you and your children are taking in. The ingredients themselves may not be dangerous but the quantity certainly is – it’s been proven. Look at ingredients and portion correctly. And if you must drink energy drinks, please do so in moderation – and research what they can do to your body if you drink too many!

As usual, make your own decisions when it comes to your health, we’re not health advisors or specialists.

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