UK News

£20,000 Found In Scrap Yard Safe Goes To Charity

£20,000 Found In Scrap Yard Safe Goes To Charity
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An Ipswich scrap yard company has decided to donate the £20,000 they found in an old safe to charity.

The safe was one of many being opened by staff Sackers, Ipswich, in the yard, before the workers realised the rusty safe was stuffed with notes and coin bags. The money has been in the posession of the Police since around April, but no one has come forward and claimed the safe. The Police told Mr Dodd, the managing director of Sackers, that “one person came forward but within about 30 nanoseconds they realised they weren’t the correct owner of it”.


Mr Dodds said: “The suspicion is it could have been an old factory that was due for demolition and it was in the corner of their offices. When it’s demolished then all the scrap goes into the bin, comes into the works and then we treat it.”

After a magistrates court recently named Dodds the legal owner of the cash, he decided to get the money swapped for legal tender at the bank and donate the money to two charities who are “very close to us.”

It will now be given to the East Anglian Children’s Hospice (EACH) and St Elizabeth Hospice.

Rachel Dally, the EACH Suffolk corporate fundraising assistant, said “we’re very grateful to hear of the company’s intention to make another such generous donation”.

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