Beauty, Skin

Lip fillers – what you need to know

Lip fillers – what you need to know

Lip fillers are still popular with many people opting for them. Lip fillers are not just used to create massive lips they are also used to add volume but still look natural. Lip fillers are one of the most Googled beauty search terms in the UK. 

Everyone has their own opinions on lip fillers and many people can criticise or judge others who have had then done. However, lip fillers are a personal choice and can grow confidence, no one should judge someone for doing it. 

The lip fillers got more attention when Kylie Jenner had her lips done and many were in love with the plump lip look.  Just like any cosmetic procedure it is important to do you research and learn as much as you can before getting work done.

Here are some tips and information to know before getting lip fillers…

What are lip fillers?

Lip fillers is a cosmetic procedure that can give you fuller, plumper lips. It is an injectable procedure and there are many different types of filler. 

Most fillers are made out of Hyaluronic Acid which is a substance which is already in the body. It is used in filler as it is not harmful to our body and will break down over a few months. 

Research the doctor

This is one of the most important things about lip fillers, make sure you know about your doctor. This means read their reviews and make sure they are trained. It is best to go for someone who is a nurse/doctor plus has a training in aesthetics. 

It is important that you get a well educated and experienced nurse/doctor as they will know what they are doing. 

Don’t go to big at the start, they can be topped up

When you are getting procedures such as fillers it is important that you do it a little at a time as it is best to build up rather go too big and regret it. Some doctors will only allow 1ml for one appointment then you can revisit a week or so later if you would like more. 

Lip filler types

The most common lip filler types are:

  • Juvederm
  • Revolax
  • Restylane
  • Belotero

Juvederm is a cosmetic dermal filler made up of hyaluronic acid which is formulated for easy and smooth injection. It normally contains some Lidocaine which reduces injection pain. 

Revolax is a non-animal based hyaluronic acid with high purity. It give a natural look no matter how big you go. You will see effects immediately but lips can be a bit swollen. 

Restylane is also a hyaluronic based filler, restylane comes in different versions such as Restylane Lyft. It takes longer to show the full effects but you will see some change immediately.  

Belotero is a dermal filler which has lower density and it also contains Lidocaine to make it more comfortable when injecting. Results are immediate after treatment.  

Is there any risks?

Just like any procedure there are risks to fillers but it is very rare. There are possibilities of an allergic reaction, infections or a cold sore (if prone to them). 

Prep before the appointment

Make sure 24 hours before and after the appointment you try to avoid taking any aspirin, anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen or aleve, fish oil, multivitamins or vitamin E. Also try to avoid alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before. 

How much filler is best?

The amount of filler you want is up to you but many opt for 1ml which is one syringe and it still looks natural. If 1ml is too much, many often go for 0.5ml and then if they want more they will go back for another 0.5ml. 

How long is the treatment?

Getting fillers is a quick procedure and normally only takes less than an hour. In this hour will be a consultation, the doctor will pinpoint the location of injecting, numbing (if wanted) and then the procedure. 

Numbing is optional but if you do opt for numbing cream be aware that it can make your lips swollen. 

You can get fillers removed

If you are unhappy with your lip fillers they can be dissolved if they are hyaluronic acid based. 

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