
Second-Hand Fashion Markets Are Becoming Increasingly Popular

Second-Hand Fashion Markets Are Becoming Increasingly Popular

UK shoppers are buying and selling more pre-owned fashion online this year compared to five years ago. UK shoppers have spent around £187 million on over 20 million second hand clothes in the 12 months to June 2019. This is a 15% increase compared with 2014. 

It is not just the clothes shopping that is changing but it is the environment of shopping which is changing. According to ebay there is more people who are searching for closed loops within fashion.

There are many places where you can now buy second hand clothing including:

  • eBay
  • Depop 
  • Charity shops
  • Facebook marketplace.

Every week around 11 million items of clothing will end up in landfill with many of them being nearly new. The term to use for this is ‘fast fashion’. Fast fashion is when retailers will launch a mass of clothing which is on trend but it then ends up being thrown out once a new trend is happening. 

This month Oxfam is trying to tackle the issue with fast fashion, they have launched The Second Hand September campaign which encourages people across the country to not buy any new clothes to help with fashion environmental impact.

When you see something you like in a fashion store or online you may be able to find it on Depop for less the price when it is nearly new or new. By doing this you are helping the pieces of clothing not end up in the landfills. Depop is one of the best places to sell and buy second hand clothing, you can find just about anything from most brands. There is over 10 million sellers on Depop so there is no item of clothing you cannot find. 




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