
Mascara mistakes you did not know you were making.

Mascara mistakes you did not know you were making.

Mascara can help with curl, length and/or volume of your natural lashes. It is a life savour for many and once you find the perfect one you never look back. However, many of us are not using mascara correctly and are not getting the full ability the mascara can offer. 

Here are some tips so you can get the best out of your mascara, no more bad lash days!

DO NOT leave your mascara until last!

Leaving your mascara as the last thing to do means you may be missing half the lashes as you do not want to mess up your natural lashes. Before you apply any eye makeup put a coat of mascara on and make sure to get right to the root of the lash. This means if you do get some on your skin you can get it off before doing the rest of your makeup. 

You should apply to both sides!

If you have lighter eyelashes you may not get the impact you like so when coating your lashes make sure you do the front and back of the upper lashes to get a greater effect. Doing this means you will no longer have blonde peeping through when you have mascara on. To avoid clumping apply downwards then brush upwards. 

You should try to coating every lash!

To get the maximum affect make sure you coat every lash with mascara to do this just pay more attention when applying so you can see if you have missed any. 

DO NOT pump the mascara!

Pumping your mascara wand is a no go. By doing this you are letting air into the mascara causing it to dry out and it can make it easier for bacteria growth. 

Using the mascara until it runs out!

This is something you should not be doing especially over 12 months. You must check the best before dates on the mascara to see how long it can be open for before being out of date. Use the mascara from the day you open it until you reach the opening expiry date. If you go over the recommended amount of time it can be open for you are at risk for eye infections and eye irritations!

Not cleaning you wand after a long amount of time!

After a good amount of uses a mascara wand can become clumped up with product and it will end up making your lashes clumpy. So take a makeup wipe or tissue and wipe the wand clean before using it.   

Not using a lash primer!

If you struggle with mascara staying on you should use a lash primer before your mascara, this will keep the mascara on your lashes and prevent flaking or smudging. 

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