
Beauty focused New Year resolutions you should make this year…

Beauty focused New Year resolutions you should make this year…

To keep your skin fresh and healthy this year make some New Year’s resolutions that you can do to ensure your skin is the best it can be. Step up your beauty routine this year, whether it is taking off your makeup every day or drinking eight glasses of water a day. Here are some simple resolutions that your skin will be thanking you for in the long run…

Clean all your brushes.

Whether it is your makeup brushes or hair brush they deserve a weekly clean. If you think about how many times you use your brushes and how many times you wash them – probably not as much as you should? A study in the UK showed that 72% of women never wash their brushes or sponges. Make sure you wash your brushes at least every week, they can get build up of dirt, oil and bacteria that will transfer to your skin resulting in break outs and greasy hair. When washing makeup brushes use a gentle face cleanser, shampoo or a special brush washer in lukewarm water. Rinse the brushes well and squeeze any excess water – AFTER WASHING PLACE THEM FACE DOWN OR FLAT TO AIR DRY, you should never hold them with the bristles facing the upwards as they can remove the glue that keeps the brush together and make bristles fall out.

Drink more water.

Drinking more water, a day will make you a whole lot better, you will feel more alert and healthier by drinking more water. Staying hydrated will benefit the skin massively by keeping it moisturised and healthy. You should aim to drink two litres (8 glasses) every day.

Cleanse, tone and moisturise every day.

 Taking time to do your skin care will help improve your skin massively; make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day, every day. Cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin will mean less break outs, hydrated skin and remove excess oil, dirt and dead skin. These are known as the three golden rules of skin care but most people will not do them.

Exfoliate your body once a week.

Exfoliation is key for the skin as it removes dirt and dead skin cells from your skin leaving you will clear and healthy skin. Exfoliating your body once a week you will see a big difference as your pores will be stripped of dirt and bacteria.

Get more sleep.

Your body is most active when you sleep, it repairs any damage to the skin and allowing your body to recuperate. Sleep is important and the more you get the better, it is recommended that you have eight hours of sleep a night. Your skin will be able to rest, stay radiant and give your hair chance to repair any damage.

Eat vitamin rich food.

By eating the right food your skin will get a lot better and healthier. Vitamin C is found in fruit and vegetables, it produces the collagen that is responsible for the firmness of your skin. The lack of vitamin C will lead to wrinkles, dryness and fine lines. Vitamin A is found in all red, orange and green leaf vegetables, it will help with the smoothness of the skin. Unsaturated fats will give your skin a radiant glow to your skin but too much will not be good for your skin so it is important to get a good balance.

Try not to touch your face unless your hands have just been washed. 

Touching your face when you have not washed your hands will lead to break outs as your hands will be coated with bacteria and germs. When they are transferred to your face it will cause breakouts and unclean skin. The same goes for your phone, clean your phone as it will be full of bacteria which will transfer when you are having a phone call or texting.

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