
Tarantula Hawk wasp

To find this flying bug it’s all across Latin America but mostly in Mexico. There are round about 250 species of tarantula hawk wasp. The wasp grows to about five centimetres 

This insect lives up to its name hunting down tarantulas, when fighting it has pin point accuracy as it stings right into the central nerve system of the spider. Within 1-2 seconds after the spider receives the sting it goes limp. It doesn’t kill the spider it just makes it go paralysed, so it’s brain and heart still works. 

Its sting can cause full body agony and it is the worlds second most painful sting second to that of a bullet ant. 

The tarantula hawk has a great strength able to drag a spider back to its burrow before burying the tarantula alive it lays a single egg on the spider abdomen. Slowly and painfully the larvae eats the spider from the inside out. If the spider is female the wasp will be female and if the spider is male then the wasp is male.

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