Science & Space

Osmosis within plants

Osmosis within plants

Osmosis is the process carried out which has water in a highly concentrated area to a low, So for plants it will be from the outside in the dirt into the roots or to be more accurate the root hair cells and will be taken up by of of the two tubs inside of the plant which carry everything the plants need around. The tube which carries water is known as the xylem, this tube is used to transfer water around the plant but mostly to the leave so the plant may carry out photosynthesis. Osmosis within plant is very important as they need water to help out with needs within the plants. Water tends to be taken in from the roots while also transferring minerals the plants need also.

However if the plant carries out to much osmosis the plant can basically drown because the cell will be damaged and change shape which effects there rate of photosynthesis.


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