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Six eyed sand spider

In sandy areas of South and Central America you’ll find this pop out type spider. As it a sit and wait predictor, it is known for burying itself in the sand to keep itself hidden then when prey comes along it jumps out. It’s genus name Sicarius is Latin for murderer. It has venom which…

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The Bushmaster snake

It’s the worlds longest and most deadliest pit viper in the world, it can grow to the length of a small truck and weigh as much as a bowling ball. It is known for multiple bites when it strikes and has long fangs loaded with venom.  The bushmaster can survive in just ten big meals…

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Giant Amazonian centipede top 5

Giant Amazonian centipede top 5  It can grow to the size of a mans forearm It has the muscular strength of a small snake  There located in the dark humid forests of northwest South America  It’s the worlds biggest centipede  It can self amputate several legs to escape its predator grip

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Coral Snake

This snake is a beautiful array of colours and is known for eating its own kind. Many people say it looks like plastic. There are more than sixty species of coral snakes living thought-out Latin America  This snake covers the whole colour spectrum, theses snakes come with the most concentrated venom out of any snake…

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Tarantula Hawk wasp

To find this flying bug it’s all across Latin America but mostly in Mexico. There are round about 250 species of tarantula hawk wasp. The wasp grows to about five centimetres  This insect lives up to its name hunting down tarantulas, when fighting it has pin point accuracy as it stings right into the central…

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