


The cat breed Ragdoll’s are quite new to the cat world unlike British shorthairs and Maine Coon. They are known for looking charming and sweet with a combinations of a kind nature. There are medium sized cats and have semi-long coats and beautiful blue eyes. They are laid back and easy going and can get along with everyone quite easily including children and animals.


These cat are very similar to other cats as they don’t enjoy the change of routine or the moving of furniture, around the home. They can take about 5 years to fully mature and so keep their kitten like behaviour a lot longer than most breeds. These cat thrive in the home environment and like to keep close to the ground and know what going on around them.

Due to their laid back characters the are really tolerant around children and will put up with a lot of things such as getting dressed up and even being pushed around in a pram. However they do tend to follow their owners around the house and want as much attention as possible. The best suited home for this cat would be for someone who stays at home everyday while others are out.

Image result for ragdoll kittens

Ragdoll’s love exploring and can make the perfect house cat but will need plenty of things to mentally stimulate them and lots of cosy places where it can cuddle up and have nap if they want to.

Ragdoll’s are smart cats, however with their laid back trait they won’t respond as quickly as other breeds.  They do enjoy playing while also having there own place and will observe the game before deciding if its worth the energy to get involved. They biggest thing they’re known for is following people from room to, due to this they earned the nickname puppy cat.

The average life span for a Ragdoll is 15 and 20 years, as long they receive the right care and ideal environment for the cat. When it comes to the cats grooming routine it is quite high maintenance.

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