
Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers have been well known for one of the most popular family pets in both the Uk and  across the world. They are known for being trustworthy and proven natures. They are known for being gentle and outgoing breed, while also eager to please which allows them to be extremely easy to train. They’re also very intelligent dogs and love the home environment and working alongside their owners in the field.

Labrador Dogs

Male labs are taller and heavier than the female labs but they’re medium to large size dogs and have thick and dense water resistance skin which allows them to be good swimmers with tails like otter in the way to they work. They come in three main colours, black, golden and chocolate. The golden labs tend to shed more than the black and chocolate lab.

Chocolate Labrador Puppy

Labs are famous for their easy and outgoing personality while also being extremely playful and intelligent. They are good house pets and some even live on farms. The breed is even now being use as service dogs. This breed rarely shows any sign of aggression. They also see the family as its pack and looks up to the owner as the alpha dog and for leadership within the home.

These dogs do require a lot of attention and mental stimulation, if not that then it will result to boredom and this could bring up some unwanted attention for the owners of the dogs. These dogs are also extremely good around children.

They have a lifespan of 10 – 12 years.


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