
Women Who is Allergic to the Cold!

Women Who is Allergic to the Cold!
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December… the best time of year for many, but also the worst!  Everyone’s out to buy Christmas Presents and we all have to survive in freezing temperatures and try and find the presents our loved ones would want! The cold is unbearable, and we could stay inside sometimes to stay warm, so in many ways winter is the worst time of year: Arianna Kent on the other hand can’t leave the house in cold weather because she is Allergic to the cold! We can all complain as much as we like about it being too cold, however if Arianna Kent gets cold a little, she’ll get Hives forming on her body cause of the cold! Arianna has gotten one of the worst allergies that not many people know about! Since the temperature goes down to -40, it’s hard for her to not get any Hives across her body!

Credit: Caters

Arianna Kent is 21-year-old women that lives in Alberta, Canada. She suffers from a rare condition known cold-induced Urticaria, which means she has to stay at home and keep warm when its cold outside! This can cause her to have unbearable Hives to be formed around her body that spreads quickly! Arianna has to prepare for the winter and get loads of layers on before the weather suddenly changes. This condition is extremely rare that not many people know about it, so when she tells people about this condition, no one would believe her people would say “yes Arianna we know you’re always cold but doesn’t mean you’re allergic to it”. When she was younger, she never really got affected by it. At the age of 14, she started feeling affects from it. She said she was shovelling snow outside her house: Stop breathing! Since this day, they realised that she was allergic to the cold!

This condition can be very severe! This condition left Arianna hospitalised maybe more than 2 times a month and sometimes kept in overnight, maybe even a few days! Even now after being able to manage her condition, she will still end up in the hospital at least once or twice a month! The doctors have advised her to bring an EpiPen with her, in case something happens and she’s no where near the doctors! Arianna Kent can’t even leave Canada and go to a warmer place due to her still getting reactions from the freezer! This means just the slightest little bit of cold will affect her!

Credit: Caters

The first few times Arianna went to the doctors, they believed that she was allergic to food for 2 years! She was misdiagnosed with a food allergy! When she was 16, doctors identified that she wasn’t allergic to food, it was the cold that was affecting her! As of right now, it’s believed people still think she is making it up! The worst part about this condition is when she had to work! Her bosses would tell her off for wearing a cardigan because it was “unprofessional”, however if she took it off, the reaction would start! “It’s terrifying knowing that if I’m in an area without access to medical help and my throat closes up, I could be at serious risk.” She added!

This condition normally develops on young kids and starts to wear off as the get older, so they don’t need to worry about having an allergic reaction to the cold, however, in Arianna’s case, the condition has developed from when she was a teenager and stayed with her and will most likely stay with her until it starts to wear off. Cold-induced Urticaria is a condition that will spread an unbearable like rash around your body if its in contact with anything cold, so the person that has the allergy won’t be able to; go in any swimming pools, drink cold water, air conditioning, freezers, rain, wind and anything that is in any way cold can cause this!

Credit: Caters

Cold Urticaria is a condition that targets the skin. The signs of this is if someone has reddish or swelling skin. The rash normally comes within 2 to 5 minutes of being exposed to the cold, however this can last up to 1 to 2 hours and if not treated properly, can prove to be very vital! This could also resort into an infectious disease, however this is extremely rare!

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