Tag: NHS

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Young people’s mental health
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Young people’s mental health

Poor mental health in children and young people has been described as an epidemic and an “escalating crisis”. The number of children seeking help from Camhs (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) in England has more than doubled in the past two years. It is difficult to establish how much of this represents young people…

Antibiotics resistance plan
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Antibiotics resistance plan

Drug-resistant superbugs are as big as a threat as climate change, a new twenty-year plan will be done to tackle the problem. The overuse of antibiotics is making infections harder to treat and leading to thousands of deaths a year through drug-resistant superbugs. The government plans to change the way it funds drug companies to…

Teenager cancer survival on the increase.
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Teenager cancer survival on the increase.

Survival rates for teenagers and young adults with cancer are improving in England, particularly for those with leukaemia and bone cancer. Survival rates for teenagers and young adults with cancer are improving in England, particularly for those with leukaemia and bone cancer. This has been found after a report was done by Public Health England…

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