Tag: Cancer

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Children denied new cancer drugs
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Children denied new cancer drugs

Children with cancer are being denied new drugs which are available to adults. Medics at the Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research said the rules were “too cautious”. A study has shown that just 7% of suitable children were getting drugs that target genetic weak spots of cancer.  Cancers are caused by…

Teenager cancer survival on the increase.
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Teenager cancer survival on the increase.

Survival rates for teenagers and young adults with cancer are improving in England, particularly for those with leukaemia and bone cancer. Survival rates for teenagers and young adults with cancer are improving in England, particularly for those with leukaemia and bone cancer. This has been found after a report was done by Public Health England…

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Trial to see if breath tests can detect cancers.

A clinical trial has been launched to see if a breath test to see if it can detect the presence of cancer. Researchers want to find out if different types of different cancer types can be picked up in patterns of breath molecules. The Cancer Research UK team in Cambridge will collect breath samples from…

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