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Russia Attack Nuclear Plant in Ukraine!

Russia Attack Nuclear Plant in Ukraine!
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Russia has decided to attack a nuclear plant in Ukraine. The Russian Forces have seized the largest nuclear plant in Europe according to the Ukrainian authorities. There could be a massive issue if this power plant does explode, as it is believed that this one nuclear plant is six times worse than Chernobyl!

This event came hours after a fire broke out during a Russian attack at the Zaporizhzhia plant. Since then the fire has been extinguished and the Ukrainian officials say that the location is now safe.

Image Credit: NadyaTk

During all this, however, there was another attack that took place, this attack was believed to have killed at least 47 people with more injured during an attack that took place in the northern city of Chernihiv on Thursday.

Alongside this, according to some sources online… A Russian businessman has decided to put a bounty on Russian President Putin. The businessman wants the president dead or alive according to some sources. Maybe a rumor that surfaced however with everything that has happened, this could be true.

Russia's Army

Image Credit: Karasev Viktor

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