Latin American News

Honduran Migrant Caravan Reaches Mexico City

Honduran Migrant Caravan Reaches Mexico City
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The so-called “Migrant Caravan” which left the crime and violence-riddled Honduran city of San Pedro Sula a few weeks ago have now reached Mexico’s capital where they have been cautiously welcomed and given some respite. This is the first of three convoys heading for a showdown with the United States Army given that Donald Trump has announced his intention of using them to prevent any incursion onto American soil.

Despite not being the richest of countries Mexico has displayed great humanity offering all of them asylum, and residents of Mexico City have reportedly donated clothes and shoes to those travelling, some of whom have made the arduous journey barefoot.

In a more typical display, Donald Trump has played the illegal immigration card in an attempt to fire up his supporters ahead of Tuesday’s mid-term elections. If as expected he does well he might ironically have the migrants to thank!

Of more concern is what will actually happen if and when the migrants try to cross into the USA – will he really order the use of force against civilians – many of who are pregnant women & children.

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Image Journalism by Design/Shutterstock

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