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Is Putin Doing This for a Legacy?

Is Putin Doing This for a Legacy?
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There has been a lot of rumours around this one man and this one topic, as the war starts getting worse and worse for Ukraine, some people seem to suggest that Putin is doing this for his legacy. Not many news articles can see if this is true but there has been some rumours of the reason why he wants to fight against Ukraine.

A lot of research into this topic and countless articles later, shows that Putin is wanting to put Ukraine back into the Solvent Union as he is wanting more power over a lot of land, however other people suggest another theory.

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Probably not true, probably a massive fake, maybe a real of fake segment, however a lot of people around the world suggest that Putin is actually dying and he is doing this to have a legacy. The way he walks is what people are referring to as he always has one hand on his leg and the other swinging from side to side.

Very unlikely this is the reason to this destruction but Russia has been counter attacked recently by Ukraine in Kyiv. This is great news for everyone.

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