US & Canada News

Only In America – Domestic Violence Victim Arrested

Only In America – Domestic Violence Victim Arrested
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Sometimes you have to stop and say WFT when you read some of the news stories out there and this firmly falls into that camp. This one is from Florida and the story began when an estranged wife whose car was rear-bumpered and eventually ran off the road by her husband (who was arrested for domestic aggravated battery) handed his guns in to the Lakeland (Florida) Police Department. Fearing for her safety she took out a temporary injunction against him and while he was in jail she sneaked into his house to retrieve his firearms which he didn’t turn is (as legally required to in such circumstances).

Now one would have expected the police officer concerned to appreciate the circumstances and possibly even be grateful given that the guns should have been turned in anyway. But no instead she was charged with armed burglary and grand theft of a firearm. She then spent 5 nights in jail. Hopefully, this will be the end of it as far as she is concerned and although there is always two sides to every story the actions of the police seem ludicrous to say the least, and they have come in for some condemnation.


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