
A Year Later: Emiliano Sala

A Year Later: Emiliano Sala
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It’s been a year since the mysterious plane crash incident of Emiliano Sala. The incident occurred after the footballer was going to Cardiff City for their record-breaking signing and went onto the plane expecting to go to Cardiff to start training with his new club, however this didn’t happen. The plane mysteriously disappeared, and no one knew where the plane landed, and no one knew where the plane was. The investigation started once the plane was missing on the radar and took a few days for the plane to be fully found.

Once the plane was found, a body was found and believed to be the pilot of the plane, however the body was Sala. The pilot was never found. To this day, its has been the most mysterious plane incident. There is still something that hasn’t been answered, how did that plane manage to crash and lose signal? This is the biggest footballing mystery in the world.

The family is still trying to get in contact with the authorities so they can speed up the process on what happened to the plane and on so many unanswered questions. Will this mystery ever get solved?

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