Toybob cat breed is normally called the smallest of all cats and are we’ll known for their loving and affectionate behaviour. They love being around there owner and other pets and are quite social cats. Tailbob’s never get any bigger than kittens of other cat breeds, as they are naturally small. They remain very kitten like even in there last days.
As their name suggests they are small affectionate cats and have earned a good title as being the ideal house cat, companion and family pet. They have a natural active behaviour with out being over hyperactive and overly demanding like other breeds. They do enjoy being around their owners as much as possible and like the comfort of their home.
Toybob like most cat breeds love to be up in high places as they are agile and light on their feet. They also love following their owners about the house so they can watch what they are doing. They are also very smart this allows them to be able to learn things quickly.
People say that this is a perfect choice for a first time buyer for a cat as it is easy to look after and is very laid back and is not large like other laid back cat breeds. It also compliments well with there loving behaviour.
The average life span for a Toybob is 14 to 15 years and above this is as long as the cat grows in the correct environment and has a good quality diet. The Toybob can have rage of coats and the longer the coat the more grooming regularly is required. This cat is also too perfect to have around kids but still make sure this cat has an escape route if needed.