
Cats, Uncategorized add comment


This breed is a medium size breed which are known for their sleek and athletic bodies and boast about there amazing personalities. These cat resembles the look of a Lynx with their large ears giving them an overall wild look to them. They are known for having alert eyes yet also gentle look. For decades…

Cats, Uncategorized add comment


The Bombay cat breed are a medium sized cat and boasts about having a outgoing and affectionate nature. They also have striking eyes and extremely beautiful black coats that sets them apart from other breeds there given a look of panthers only in miniature . This breed is new to the cat world and has…

American bobtail
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American bobtail

This is a new breed to the cat world and has originated in the USA. This breed is very rarely seen in the UK. This cats are is known for its short bobtail which links with its name very well. These cat are extremely good house pets they get on well with children and other…

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