1960s BAFTA Winners

The Hustler (1961) Trailer

The Hustler (1961) Trailer

Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie, George C. Scott

Comments 13

  1. DianaMB10

    Now that I hit the free Pool playing nights downtown, I had to see The Hustler again. My parents took me to some awesome movies when I was a kid!

  2. destroyxeverything

    One of my newfound fav films of all time. Just bought the blu ray for this and I loved it!

    Its a very depressing and joyful movie. Newman’s acting was topnotch in this movie. Because I HATED him throughout the movie till the last, n I realized his character is supposed to be hated on, and just as he manages to do that – making people detest him, he proves he’s one hell of an actor!

  3. uberathlete

    Earl Strickland is somewhere in this movie cussin.

  4. nemeckathleen1

    He was so cool, calm & handsome. I always loved his acting. He had such skill & was damn good at his craft! He was great with his timing. Like a comedic actor. The Paul Newman I know is from the late 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s etc. He was a very good actor. I respect him & my favorite role would be Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid. Years later he made a camp called “The Whole In The Wall Gang” for Children who are suffering from cancer. I’m happy he received his Oscar for The Color of Money!

  5. packdude182

    i hated the characters so i did not like it that much- i guess that makes is good because the characters can do that

  6. miriam18able

    the hustler is his best film sure ( the hustler and cat on a hot tin roof of course) and the color of money was an amazing movie and was great that Paul Newman won his first oscar!

  7. silverrobe6

    this is a really good movie, but i hated paul newman in “the color of money”, he acts like a little baby, when vince (tom cruise) is playing him, and beating him, he storms on out like a little bitch. I still don’t like tom cruise in any movie though… still the color of money is a good movie.

  8. jckfmsincty

    “The Hustler” is a must see for film junkies and one of the best acted, American movies of the 1960’s.

  9. WinstonSmith6079

    Woah! That trailer just exudes Cool!

    AND (unlike today, much of the time) I bet that it’s also an accurate indicator or what audiances would get if they went to see this movie. (I dunno, though, as I’ve not yet seen the movie, but I will, and probably moreso now that I’ve seen the trailer.)

    That looks like that’s gonna be a good movie! hehehe

  10. Setebos

    Some trailers end up becoming works of art in themselves. This is one of the better examples.

  11. TheClam88

    @thoms2010 I think “HUD” is newman’s best

  12. Irishlad147

    This is and always will remain an absolute classic. Excellent cinematography, acting with a deep involving and trajic story that depicts how human emmotion can be overshadowed and ignored by a lust for money and glory. Paul Newman does a superb job of not only playing the part of a renowned pool legend “fast Eddie Felson”, but instead, he becomes the man himself and depicts with flawless accuracy, the very mindset of a passionate pool player who is aware of the rare talent that he possesses.

  13. Irishlad147

    This is in my top 5 movies of all time. It is and always will be an absolute classic. On a sidenote, I would have given Fast Eddie Felson a run for his money.


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