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All You Need To Know About Microblading

Brows are one of the most popular features of beauty. The brow industry was estimated to be worth over £20 million in 2016. Everyone would love to wake up and have perfect brows, this is why the beauty industry is changing and now people can get perfect brows for everyday. 

What is microblading?

Microblading is a treatment which puts pigment into fine lines on the skin, it creates the best shape for your face. It is a semi permanent technique which fakes the look of fuller brows and a new shape if desired.  

Microblading is done with a tool which looks like a pen but is a slope blade with 10-12 needles at the end. The needles to not go fully into the skin they just scratch the surface. It is different to tattooing as it is not leaving a block of colour instead it is creating natural hair strokes. 

The eyebrow technician will make the perfect colour you want and will match your brows and hair. 

How much does it cost and how long does it take?

The cost of microblading depends where you go and depending on how much you need done it can vary. It is usually over £300. 

Time will depend on how much of a change you want and/or how many strokes are needed. It can be 45 minutes to just over an hour. 

Pre-microblading rules

  • Do not wax, thread, tweeze or any other type of hair removal to eyebrows for one week before treatment
  • so not use sunbeds or sit in direct sunlight for two weeks prior to treatment
  • Do not have a facial or peel two weeks prior
  • Do not tint your eyebrows for three days prior
  • No botox for three weeks before
  • Do not exercise on the day
  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours prior to your appointment
  • Do not drink coffee 2 hours before
  • Do not take ibuprofen or aspirin 24 hours before

What is the follow up/top up appointment?

The follow up appointment is a few weeks after getting your brows microbladed. You will go back to the technician and  get any gaps or areas where the pigment did not take to well topped up. This is usually included in the price of the first payment (always check with the brow tech). 

When will you see the results?

You will start to see results two weeks after the service. Before this your eyebrows will go darker than planned, scab and most likely fade however they will resurface with the final result.

Aftercare (for up to 7-10 days after)

  • Clean brows on the nights gently – do not use a lot of water for 5 days
  • Apply thin layer of aftercare balm, or coconut oil twice daily – once of oily skin.
  • No brow makeup for 5 days
  • Do not pick the scabs 
  • Do not itch the area
  • Apply sunscreen or do not sunbath until healed. 
  • Do not soak the brows in water
  • Avoid skincare to browse for at least 7 days
  • Avoid swimming and sauna. 
  • Avoid excessive exercise. 

If the eyebrows get soaked in water, pat dry with a cotton pad or a tissue.


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☝🏼 STAGES OF YOUR MICROBLADING EYEBROWS BY @sumanbrows #Microblading information on

A post shared by SumanBrows Beauty Atelier (@sumanbrows) on Apr 3, 2018 at 4:24pm PDT


Normally you should get your microblading done again when they fade this can be a up to 12, 18 or even 30 months after first treatment.