
The Influence Of The Four Elements In Astrology

The Influence Of The Four Elements In Astrology

Each of the twelve zodiac signs is associated with one of the original four elements whose study dates back to ancient times. Historical references to them can be found in all the major cultures and their influence persisted in Europe from the times of the great Greek philosophers into the Renaissance. In Asia, they can be found in Hindu & Buddhist texts as well as cropping up in Japanese & Chinese philosophical thinking. They continue to play a big part in Western Astrology with each element having three signs assigned to them.

Fire Signs

Fire Zodiac Signs

Image: Mila Dobraya/Shutterstock.com

The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Fire signs are passionate, courageous and impulsive. These people inspire us to pursue adventure, take risks and express ourselves. They often have high levels of energy and enthusiasm. They love to burn hot and shine brightly. Quick to embrace spontaneity, their emotions are fervent. Oftentimes, they are quick to love, to feel fury or to act. However, because their energy is so alive, they can also change their minds quite quickly, too.

People with a lot of fire in their birth charts are often drawn to become performers, athletes, artists, or creators. We are typically enchanted by people with fire energy because they’re unafraid to step into the spotlight.


Earth Signs

Earth Zodiac Signs

Image: Mila Dobraya/Shutterstock.com


The Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Earth signs are practical, stable and grounded. These people are very hardworking and value stability and security in all areas of their lives. Their solid energy allows them to tackle long-term goals and plans, where the other signs would lack perseverance. As natural managers and builders, they create structures in their lives and society that have an impact. However, as the slowest moving element, they are the most resistant to change.

People with a significant amount of earth in their birth charts are typically business- or financial-oriented and flourish in results-based industries. These people often become highly successful because they know how to methodically get what they are after over time.



Air Signs

Air Zodiac Signs

Image: Mila Dobraya/Shutterstock.com


The Air Signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Air signs are intellectual, communicative and spontaneous. These people are highly logical, curious and adaptable. They can easily process complex ideas, projects and relationships — and prefer variety over consistency. With a lust for life, they pursue expansion, rather than wanting to be rooted to one plan forever. As visionaries and free spirits, they are eager to explore and are often quite social. However, because they are so cerebral, they can actually be quite detached from their emotions or the practical world.

People with a large amount of air in their birth charts make great teachers, communicators, architects or planners. They can easily think outside of the box and utilize their knowledge and people skills to make things happen.


Water Signs

Water Zodiac Signs

Image: Mila Dobraya/Shutterstock.com

The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Water signs are intuitive, emotional and sensual. These people tend to tap into the great resources of their inner life to process situations and experiences. They are intrinsically able to connect with others in a sensitive and vulnerable way. With great wells of insight into their own behaviours and motivations, they can more easily perceive the world from a heartfelt, spiritual or compassionate way. However, because they are so aware of their feelings, they can end up becoming overly emotional, lacking logic or practicality to proceed.

People with many water placements in their natal chart may find themselves drawn to be mystics, healers, psychologists or doctors. They utilize their empathy and understanding of the human spirit to better connect and work with others.


Header Image: robin.ph/Shutterstock.com


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